web version - economic strategy with crypto component for the same game universe
Web version of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers is an economic strategy powered by the BNB Smart Chain blockchain and created as an investment service for the same universe as the main game — mobile single/multiplayer third-person 3D shooter set in space.

Mission of the game is to create a community of active and financially independent users who are passionate about the Web 3.0 technology and SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game.

Player's goal in the web version of the game is to buy and upgrade unique drones, select the best pilots and maximize profits. Also in the web version, a number of mini-games will be available, allowing the player to receive additional prizes.

Spacefaring drones are non-fungible, transferable digital assets, stored in the BNB Smart Chain smart contract.

The ownership rights of the acquired drones and additional equipment is displayed in NFT-tokens. Blockchain securely stores all information about buying/selling/modifications of the drones.

Drone ownership allows users to play their drones in the mobile SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers independently and place them in the Drone Sharing system for renting them out to experienced pilots for a passive income.

Buying and selling in-game assets, payment for gaming services, as well as any other mutual settlements between the users is complete with the help of native SKY tokens.
Game universe
In-game economy
Personal account
Drone Sharing system
In-game betting
Mini-games service
SKY Token
SKY Swap
Development plans
01 Introduction
Web version of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers is a gaming infrastructure created as an investment service for the same universe as the main mobile single/multiplayer third-person 3D shooter set in space.

Web version infrastructure consists of:

  • Multifunctional personal account;
  • NFT-marketplace with drones and additional equipment for modifying them in the form of NFT-tokens;
  • Drone Sharing System for renting the drones out to experienced pilots;
  • Pilot rating organized into Leagues and Legions;
  • Center for statistics and detailed information on multiplayer matches;
  • In-game betting allows you to bet on the predicted outcomes in gaming tournaments of SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers;
  • Service of mini-games and quests based on the game universe of SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers;
  • SKY Swap is a decentralized exchange of the SKY tokens for other cryptocurrencies.

The services above make it possible to reach the economic potential reflected in the investment service based on the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game universe. It allows the players to earn cryptocurrency, and investors to get a passive income.
02 Game universe
Web version is based on the mobile single/multiplayer 3D shooter SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers. It is a part of its game universe and represents an economic strategy in a Play 2 Earn form (play and earn) that allows the players to get rewards in SKY native tokens.

The game is played in the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers universe. According to the game plot, race of beings called Liruans are the explorers of the universe, who sent thousands of spacefaring drones to various parts of the galaxy to gather and record everything they encountered. Their task is to explore the galaxies, organize and keep data about distant worlds and unknown civilizations, digitize rare artifacts, unique crystals, and minerals.

The players of the web version have the ability to purchase unique spacefaring drones with subsequent customization and modification. Drone owners can port their aircraft directly into the game world of SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers, playing on mobile independently and placing them in the Drone Sharing System for getting passive income from rental.

Web version is a supplement to the mobile game SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers that gives the opportunity to rent top-level drones and test your pilot skills behind the wheel. The variety of combinations for customization and modification makes the drone usage, presented in the Drone Sharing System, a truly unforgettable adventure, that allows players to feel like astronauts, pilots, shooters, and explorers of new worlds.
03 In-game economy
3.1. Earning opportunity for the web version players

Users of SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers earn points playing in different modes and taking part in the tournaments throughout the game. The higher the game performance, the more points the pilot gets. Players can use the earned points to customize and upgrade their drones and pay for various in-game activities. Moreover, the system provides additional motivation for players that allows them to convert the earned points into cryptocurrency. To convert, the player needs to transfer the game points received in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers to the web version.

In order to do that, users need to make a few simple steps:
  • register and log in to web version of the game with the email address registered in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers;
  • connect MetaMask wallet or any other with WalletConnect support;
  • convert stored game points from SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers into SKY native token.

3.2. Earning opportunity for investors

Web version provides the opportunity for users to establish both active and passive income.

3.2.1 Active income

To organize the active income the users can buy NFT-token with drone, transfer them to their account in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers and play independently on mobile earning points, and then convert them into SKY tokens.

This concept illustrates the embodiment of Play 2 Earn format with the cumulative income from investments in the top drones, plus the received income directly from the gameplay.

3.2.2 Passive income

Web version players have the ability to get a passive income by using the investment potential of Drone Sharing service that gives the opportunity to rent the drones out.

Usage of the rented pumped drones offer the pilots advantages in different game modes: from the singleplayer campaign to the cooperative shooter that allows to significantly increase the efficiency of scoring points.

Earned points from the drone participation in games and tournaments are divided in the specific proportion between pilots (tenant) and owner-investor (landlord).

The investor may convert stored game points into native SKY tokens using web version functionality.

04 Personal account
Every registered user of the web version has their own personal account. It is a decentralized multifunctional service that supports WEB 3.0. functionality that is accessed via connection of MetaMask wallet or any other with WalletConnect support.

Personal account gives players access to investment opportunities and infrastructure functionality:

Purchasing of drones and additional equipment for its modifications in the NFT-marketplace;

  • Renting the drones out using Drone Sharing System;
  • Viewing the players ratings;
  • Access to detailed statistics on the latest multiplayer matches;
  • Betting on in-game pooling - prediction of the outcomes of the game tournaments in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers;
  • Going through mini-games and quests based on the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game universe;
  • Exchange gaming points for SKY token or any other cryptocurrencies using decentralized SKY Swap.

The features of the personal account will expand as the project develops and new game or investment services will be added.
05 NFT-marketplace
NFT-marketplace is a key service of web version. In-game assets include spacefaring drones and additional equipment for their customization and modification presented in NFT-tokens. Functionality of NFT-marketplace is based on smart contracts in BNB Smart Chain.

NFT-marketplace prices are indicated in native SKY token which is the only means of service settlement in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers.

5.1 Primary market of NFT assets

The players can find the presented drones and explore the technologies for their modification by visiting NFT-marketplace. They can also purchase any NFT-asset by having the required number of SKY tokens on their balance.

NFT-tokens with drones and additional equipment are available for selling both as individual units and in sets (purchase of the latter provides a discount).

During the campaign period mystery-loot boxes (virtual “cases” or “containers”) will be available for purchase, the contents of which are unknown and generated randomly by the system. Purchases of mystery-loot boxes give the player a chance to receive virtual items of high value and rarity for relatively little money.

5.2. Secondary market of NFT assets

NFT-marketplace provides the opportunity for users of the web version to create a secondary market for swapping or selling NFT-tokens with drones and additional equipment.

Usage of secondary market allows the players:

  • sharing NFT-assets with each other;
  • selling your own NFT-tokens for SKY native tokens;
  • collecting and holding NFT-assets, while they increase in value over time.

All operations will have a special fee in SKY native tokens on the secondary NFT-market. These tokens will subsequently disappear. Thus, any deal on the secondary NFT-market will add liquidity to the token. It will also benefit SKY tokenomics.
06 NFT-assets
6.1. In-game assets

All in-game assets available in the web version are implemented using NFT tokens. NFT token is a special type of cryptographic token, every instance of it is unique and cannot be exchanged or replaced with another similar token.

Owners of NFT-tokens have the rights to appropriate in-game assets like drones or additional equipment.

6.2. Acquisition process

The process of acquiring in-game assets, such as space exploration drones, is completed through the purchase of NFT tokens corresponding to the models in the NFT marketplace.

Initially, players have access to 4 types of spacefaring drones. In addition to external differences, each drone has a unique set of different tactic characteristics that affect its flight and combat abilities. The use of different models of drones allows the pilot to choose an apparatus appropriate for the existing skills and to maximize the potential.

6.3. Drone modification

System features have the ability to upgrade (modify) the models of spacefaring drones by purchasing additional equipment that improves tactic characteristics of the drones.

The drone is modified by purchasing the appropriate NFT tokens in the NFT-market and connecting them to the drone in a personal account.

6.4. Operational life

Economic model of the web version implies that all purchased spacefaring drones and additional equipment have their service life which is indicated in the description of NFT-tokens.

Various drones have an operation period from 6 to 12 months and additional equipment from 1 to 6 months, after this time they will be deactivated. The countdown of this period starts only from the moment of activation in the main game.

Also the system features the ability to place a hold on the operation period of a drone or additional equipment. Maximum term is up to 60 days.
07 Drone Sharing System
Investment capacity of Drone Sharing service is available only for users of the web version. This service allows the players to get a passive income from the drone rental.

Drone Sharing is an investment service which allows the owners to place their purchased drones for renting to the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers players.

The mechanism of renting the drones is as follows:

  • investor purchases one or a few drones;
  • modifies them thereby improving its technical and combat characteristics;
  • transfer the drone to Drone Sharing section;
  • indicates essential terms of renting the drone:
  • allocation percentage of earned points per game between the pilots (tenant) and owner-investor (landlord), for example 60% / 40% etc.
  • pilot rate: newcomer, beginner, skilled, expert etc.
  • downtime of the drone (maximum break between the battles).

Points earned from the drone participation in games and tournaments are divided in specific proportions between the pilot (tenant) and owner-investor (landlord). Investors may convert stored gaming points from SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers into SKY native tokens using web version functionality at any time.

Pilots who want to rent the drones can choose any drone in Drone Sharing which is available in their pilot category.
08 In-game betting
Additional in-game betting service is integrated in web version for gambling fans. It allows the players to place bets on the forecasts of the outcomes of the game tournaments in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers.

Acceptance of bets and withdrawals of winnings are implemented in SKY native token.

The opportunity to bet will be available only for users who are over 18 years of age.

The interface of parimutuel betting will be integrated in a special "In-game betting" section of the personal account.

There are several types of bets available for users:

  • on the legion that will take the first place in the tournament for the week;
  • on the legion that will take the first place in the tournament for the month;
  • on the pilot who will take the first place in the specific selected legion for the week;
  • on the pilot who will take the first place in the specific selected legion for the month;
  • and many other options.

All necessary information about player statistics and legion performance is available in the web version interface.
09 Mini-games service
The additional service of mini-games is integrated in the web version to enhance the user activity. It opens the opportunity to engage in mini-games and quests based on the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game universe. Mini-games and quests can entertain the users and boost their interest, as well as develop their affection towards the game universe.

One of the main advantages of the service will be the opportunity to get rewards for regular visits that result in special points.

Points are being calculated using the following system:
1st day - 10 points
2nd day - 20 points
3rd day - 30 points
4th day - 40 points
5th day - 50 points
6th day - 60 points
7th day - 100 points

The calculation will start from the 1st day and the algorithm will repeat. In case the user missed one of the days - the calculation of points begins from day 1. Mini-games in the web version are small activities where users perform one or more actions. It’s mostly touch games that don’t require special skills.In addition to mini-games, users can take part in simple quests based on the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers, consisting of several questions about the game or the game universe.
10 SKY Token
The in-game economy of the web version is based on the usage of SKY native tokens, which is a means of settlement between all gaming services.

In-game (native) token

Name: SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers
Ticker: SKY
Type: token
Format: BEP-20
Blockchain: BNB Smart Chain
Type of emission: limited
Size of emission: 300 000 000

Primary token distribution

21 000 000 - 7% - Seed;
27 000 000 - 9% - Private round;
21 000 000 - 7% - IDO;
24 000 000 - 8% - Team and advisors
6 000 000 - 2% - Ambassador program
24 000 000 - 8% - Ecosystem development fund;
18 000 000 - 6% - Marketing fund;
36 000 000 - 12% - Liquidity;
36 000 000 - 12% - System wallet for paying staking rewards;
87 000 000 - 29% - System wallet for paying game rewards.
11 SKY Swap
Decentralized SKY Swap is integrated within the game services of the web version for users convenience.

Functionality of SKY Swap is based on the smart contracts in BNB Smart Chain.

Users can exchange gaming points received in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers for SKY native tokens. There is also bi-directional exchange of SKY for BNB, BUSD, USDT and other cryptocurrencies on BNB Smart Chain.

In the future the developers may integrate exchange functionality which is typical for DEX: lending, staking, farming, etc.

The services above give the users opportunity to earn cryptocurrency and get a passive income using all economic capacity that is reflected in the investment services of the web version.
12 Development plans
After creation and integration of the in-game services:

  • Personal account;
  • NFT-marketplace;
  • Drone Sharing System;
  • In-game betting;
  • Service of mini-games and quests;
  • decentralized SKY Swap.

the developers plan the transformation of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers gaming world into the form of metaverse with a complete transition of all services to the standard usage compatible with Web 3.0.

The creation of SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers Metaverse is a logical continuation of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game ecosystem concept in which presented digital assets will be connected into one, uniting trade, work with media-content, in-game assets, and services. Metaverse will be designed to keep the players as long as possible without contacting third-party services. Metaverse will unite a number of classic IT-services like gaming, entertainment, and economics in one product.

Community of active users is the most important component of success of any IT-product, as well as of Metaverse. The products, which will open the gaming ecosystem, have the task to form and develop their own community, which is united both by the idea of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game universe and economic and investment potential of its web version.

Considering the fact that all mutual settlements within SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers Metaverse will be conducted exclusively by using SKY native tokens, it will have a beneficial effect on liquidity and usability of the SKY tokens.
13 Roadmap
1 Website development for SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game and its web version

2 Promotional materials development

3 Start of service development for the web version

4 Making social media accounts

5 Launching international promotion campaigns

6 Open beta testing of the game SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers

7 Smart contract activation for the SKY token

8 Beta version of personal account of the web version

9 Closed presale of the SKY token

10 Beta version of NFT-marketplace

11 1st presale round of the SKY token

12 Beta version of Drone Sharing System

13 Beta version of the in-game betting

14 2nd presale round of the SKY token

15 Beta version of mini-games and quests service

16 Beta version of the SKY Swap decentralized exchange

17 Beta version of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game

18 Release of personal account of the web version

19 Release of NFT-marketplace

20 Release of Drone Sharing System

21 Release of the in-game betting

22 Release of the mini-games and quests service

23 Release of the decentralized SKY Swap

24 Release of the SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers game

25 Opening the opportunities to exchange game points for SKY tokens

26 Launching the drone rental option in SkyDrone: Cyber Rangers